Thursday, 20 January 2011

Organisation is the key it seems

Well, I "fell off the wagon" a couple of days.  First was just one of those things...I misjudged the time that Pops was open until, and busy building a custom fitted wardrobe to fit in the sloping-ceilinged attic, I deserved a beer I thought.  And the cats needed food - that's my get out of jail free card - can't starve the cats now can I?

So Sainsburys Local was the port of call for Tuesday

Wednesday I ran to work and back so didn't have time for shopping between getting home. out of fruit, juice and soya milk for local grocery shops on the way, so it had to be Tesco

Not happy about it but lesson learned - and I guess this is where they get you...when you need something "on the hop"

Back to local shopping tonight - though I deliberately went to Sainsbury's - but only to claim my £10 lottery from last Saturday - figured I'd rather go in and take money than go in and spend it (don't try this without a winning lottery ticket, doing that tends to get you arrested)

Nice fresh salad with some very gently fried onions, mushrooms and garlic, with a locally made vegan lentil, carrot & coriander pie.  Pie a bit of a pricey luxury but a mile better than any mass-produced Ross Foods type frozen food

Sheff's Specials - mmmmm tasty

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