Wednesday, 29 December 2010

A couple of days to go

I'm not one for New Years Resolutions normally - though I did choose New Year 2008 to give up smoking and 3 years later haven't touched a cigarette since, so perhaps it's time for a new challenge.

I'm slowly getting fed up with the way my life is invaded by one behemoth in particular.  But I've gone along with it.  Even after signing a petition against one of the mini "convenience stores" - it's there and so close to my home I found myself following the flock and going there anyway.  Despite the fact that a long-standing local independant is only a couple of minutes further to walk.

It's not like the supermarkets are offering anything that wonderful either - only appealing to laziness.  I'll stop there if I've been out walking and driving back from the Peak District in the car, because there's a car park.  Laziness on my part, pure and simple.  I could take a 2 minute detour and then park not far from the independant - if I'm capable of a 23 mile slog over waterlogged peat around Bleaklow then another few hundred yards to pick up a well deserved beer and something tasty for tea as a reward, well , it's not going to kill me is it?

There's Sainsburys too, that took over the small Jacksons chain.  Yes, I used to use the Jacksons store - now JS have taken it over the shelves are shinier, the lights are brighter - and they've never got anything in stock that I want!  They offer less choice than before, and only the more "premium" produce.  Cat food - no normal price tinned food, only the pricey pouches - but it's okay because it's "convenient"

Except it's not really "convenient" - having less choice and having to change plans for tea because of poor stocking is quite the opposite.

So, as of 2011 I'm going to attempt to ditch supermarkets as much as possible.  There may be times when I need to go to one and if I do I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  But I'm going to try to ask myself "do I NEED to go to the supermarket?" before I do.

Then I shall report on this experiment in re-shaping my shopping habits, on this blog.

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